Hi! I'm Max Van Lyl aka DorkusMalorkus. I am a software engineer from Toronto, Canada. Welcome to my little corner of the internet! This blog contains mostly stuff about programming with a sprinkling of wanna-be philosophy. Glad you're here!
Dec 27 2024
~15 minutes
Facing the SnowStorm: Part 2 Boosting Snowflake Query Performance on High Churn Tables with the Deferred Merge StrategyThe Adventure Continues! In this chapter we dive into our Snowflake table data partitions, and we're starting to suspect our good friend MERGE might have something to do with it. After some trial and error (and a few too many hairs lost), we managed to boost query speed by 90% (!!!). Read on to find out how!
Dec 22 2024
~15 minutes
Facing the SnowStorm: Part 1 Why Snowflake Queries Slow Down on High Churn Tables and How We Fixed ItMERGE operations in Snowflake can really slow things down, especially when you're dealing with high churn tables that end up all fragmented. In part 1 of this 2-part series, we’re diving into the problem and take you on a tale of woe, despair, lots of coffee and some glimmering nuggets of wisdom in the land of Snowflakes.
Dec 6 2024
~5 minutes
TIL in UNIX tooling - JQ is awesome! Easily convert JSON <-> CSV using the magic of your terminal!Why did the JSON file break up with the CSV file? Because we just couldn't parse their differences! ... ahem. Thankfully, this well known UNIX-tool `JQ` can help coerce JSON into other formats!